Promotion of the EEA and Norway Grants in the PKP Intercity magazine “W podróż” in 2018 and 2019
In the period of July – October, December 2018 and January – March 2019, the EEA and Norway Grants were advertised in the on-board magazine of the national carrier PKP Intercity "W podróż" (Eng. ”On the journey”).
The printed version of the magazine was distributed on Pendolino, Express Intercity and Intercity trains, as well as in the PKP Intercity Customer Service Centers (Warszawa Centralna, Gdańsk, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Poznań) and InfoDworzec (Eng. InfoRailwaystation) points (Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, Gdańsk, Katowice, Kraków, Wrocław, Warszawa Centralna, Warszawa Zachodnia, Warszawa Wschodnia).
The magazine is also available in an on-line version on the website
Articles (in Polish):
- „Fundusze norweskie i EOG impulsem dla rozwoju kultury” (Eng. "The EEA and Norway Grants as an impulse for the development of culture") – magazine „On the journey” No. 14 / July 2018
- „Fundusze norweskie i EOG pomagają chronić środowisko” (Eng. "EEA and Norway Grants help protect the environment") – magazine „On the journey” No. 15 / August 2018
- „Szybciej i wygodniej – o planach w transporcie” (Eng. "Faster and more convenient – about transport plans") – magazine „On the journey” No. 16 / September 2018
- „Fundusze norweskie i EOG w służbie nauki” (Eng. "EEA and Norway Grants in the service of science") – magazine „On the journey” No. 17 / October 2018
- "Bariery (nie) do pokonania" (Eng. "Barriers (not) to overcome”) – magazine „On the journey” No. 19 / December 2018
- „Lepsze zdrowie i opieka dzięki Funduszom norweskim i EOG” (Eng. "Better health and care thanks to the EEA and Norway Grants”) – magazine „On the journey” No. 1(20) January 2019
- „Wspólne dobro ponad granicami” (Eng. "The common good across borders”) – magazine „On the journey” No. 2(21) February 2019
- „Świadomi różnic, równi w swoich prawach” (Eng. "Aware of the differences, equal in their rights”) – magazine „On the journey” No. 3(22) March 2019.